Swamp coolers and evaporative coolers are somewhat fragile air conditioning components. For them to operate at their best, a proper maintenance schedule is necessary. It is now time to winterize evaporative coolers since their usage is almost over in the fall. Your evaporative cooler’s operating life will be extended by preventing damage from frost and mold development during the colder months by winterizing it.
Your evaporative cooler can be turned off for the winter in a few easy steps, preserving its functionality for the next summer.
Turn it completely off
Turn off your evaporative cooler entirely first. Instead of just turning it off, disconnect it, then twist the power wire to prevent inadvertent activation during the winter. Additionally, unplugging any electrical gadget before beginning any cleaning or repair work is always safe.
Disconnect the water valve
As is well known, evaporative coolers use water as their refrigerant. To produce cool, humid air, some heavy-duty evaporative coolers need gallons of water each day. As a result, the majority of evaporative coolers come with water hookups. Make careful you shut off the valve feeding water to the assembly before storing your swamp cooler for the winter.
During the worst winters, any water that remains in the cooler can freeze, which might be bad for the appliance. According to science, when water freezes, it expands. The cooler’s body can bend as a consequence of the liquid expansion inside of it. To ensure that the cooler pan is thoroughly dried, it is advisable to keep the drain open for a few days.
Take a look at the pipes
It is also advised to examine the cooler’s pipes for any water that can still be present. During the winter, left-out water in the pipes can freeze and cause ruptures and leaks. You can use a blow dryer to dry the pipes if you have one.
Rinse the cooler pan with fresh water
By opening the drain, first thoroughly empty the cooler pan or tank. The drain can be opened with hardware tools that you already have at home. At the bottom of the colder pan, minerals and other sediments gradually assemble. Rinse the pan with new water and then dry it with a piece of cloth to prevent rust from eating away the pan during the winter. This will also prevent mold and mildew from growing in the tank during the off-season.
Obtain new cooler pads
Before summer officially begins, many people change the pads in their evaporative coolers. The rusting of evaporative cooler louvers is accelerated by used cooler pads. Thus, it is preferable to replace them when turning off your cooler for the winter.
Cover up the cooler
Cover your evaporative cooler at last. You can assure that no air enters the inside during the winter and disturbs your comfort by covering it. Ask any reputable air conditioning providers in your neighbourhood about acceptable cover alternatives.