November 11, 2023
Should You Blow Off the Nasty Burning Smell When You Turn on Your Furnace

When the heat comes on your furnace, you could smell something strange burning. This may indicate that your furnace requires repair.  It can be as simple as a filthy filter, but it might also be a major issue like a malfunctioning electrical part in the furnace. Don’t disregard it. To prevent future expensive repairs, try to locate the source of the odor. Here are some more information that can help you with making the right decision.

Why is there a burning dust smell?

Dust may accumulate on the heat exchanger and in the air ducts of your furnace when it is not in use for extended periods of time. The dust burns off and emits an odor when the furnace is switched on.

When the heater is switched on for the first time in the winter, it is common for dust to burn off; this is nothing to be alarmed about. Within a few hours, this stench ought to go away. Examine your air filters to see if the issue still exists.

What smells like mold?

Every year, when you initially switch on your furnace, it could smell like a musty cellar or like dust or dirt. The accumulation of dust and filth in the air ducts, which is carried throughout your house while the furnace runs, is the source of the musty smell. You may need to replace the air filter if this stench lasts the whole heating season.

Another sign of mold growth might be a musty odor coming from the A/C coil, furnace filter, or, if you have one, the humidifier panel.

How can I get rid of the heater’s musty odor?

Once a year, check the filter and replace or clean it as necessary. Replace the humidifier panel if it has mold on it. Your A/C coil may be the problem if the humidifier panel and filter are functioning properly. If so, you’ll need to make an appointment with a specialist.

What smells like burning electricity?

There might be a straightforward problem or something more catastrophic if you detect a burning plastic or electrical component smell.

When anything gets too hot, a foreign item in the ductwork of your HVAC system may begin to smell. This may be an undetected spill or a toy that a youngster dropped. Take out your registers and physically check them to make sure nothing out of place is there or needs to be cleaned.

Alternatively, there can be a more dangerous issue, such a burnt internal component or an overheated furnace engine. If you are unable to find any foreign objects in the ductwork, have an expert technician inspect the furnace’s electrical parts.

What is causing the oily or smokey smell?

If you have an oil furnace and you smell smoke or oil, there may be a major issue with your furnace. After testing and replacing the oil filter, if the stench is still there, give us a call to make an appointment for further investigation.

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