Albuquerque Air Conditioning – Comparing a Swamp Cooler vs Refrigerated Air Conditioning

May 18, 2023

Have you been looking to invest in a new type of air conditioning system for your home or commercial property? As a local Albuquerque team, we understand better than most how important keeping your air conditioning systems in top working order is. With this thought in mind, we’ve outlined some of the key things you need to know about the different AC units – and, critically, how a swamp cooler differs from refrigerated air conditioning. What is the Difference Between a Swamp Cooler and Refrigerated Air Conditioning? Before we can look

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Swamp Cooler Operational Fact, Parts & Annual Maintenance Requirements, Spelled Out

April 12, 2023

Swamp coolers, also known as evaporative coolers, are a popular and energy-efficient option for cooling homes and buildings in hot and dry climates. These cooling systems work by drawing in hot, dry air and passing it through wet evaporative pads, which cools the air before it is distributed throughout the space. While swamp coolers can be highly effective at cooling, they do require some maintenance to ensure that they operate properly and efficiently. Here are some of the basic operational facts of a swamp cooler: Annual

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Basic Positive Albuquerque Swamp Cooler Operational Facts at the City’s 5,000 Foot Altitude & Dry Climate

April 6, 2023

Swamp coolers, also known as evaporative coolers, are a popular option for cooling homes in Albuquerque, NM. These cooling systems work by pulling in warm air from outside, passing it through a water-soaked pad, and then blowing out cool, moist air into your home. In Albuquerque, where the altitude is around 5,000 feet and the summer temperatures can reach well above 90 degrees Fahrenheit, swamp coolers can be an effective and energy-efficient way to cool your home. One of the primary advantages of swamp coolers in

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