Steps to Take When Your AC Unit Breaks Down – Should You Repair or Replace It?

July 14, 2023

Albuquerque is hot, but normally you never expect to end up with a problematic air conditioner. But in the event your Albuquerque air conditioner does break down, you most likely will have to go through a lot of hassle to overcome it. This is the point where you will need to decide whether you are going to repair your air conditioner or buy a new one. We will share few factors to help you make the right decision out of these two options. All you have to do now is to go through what we share and make the right

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Basic Methods to do Albuquerque AC Service as a DIYer

June 2, 2023

Your Albuquerque air conditioner is working hard during summer months to keep the house cool. This is why you should think about servicing it in a timely manner. Here are some DIY tips that you can follow to complete your Albuquerque air conditioner service on your own. Clean the condenser and evaporator coil You need to think about replacing the filter of your air conditioner at least once in every 90 days. If you have pets and kids at home, you should pay special attention to this. You must also consider this when you

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